Artwork Collection Database Screenshots
Artwork Record Form
The Artworks record is at the core of the GI Artworks Collection Database software. This is where in-depth information about each artwork is meticulously stored, including the artist's name, artwork title, year of creation, medium used, provenance, lending history, cost, current value, and other pertinent details. To streamline the cataloging process, the Artwork image display panel allows users to associate any number of images with an artwork record, ensuring the inclusion of the primary image and any additional views or aspects of the artwork for visual documentation.
Moreover, the Artwork record enables users to document the complete provenance of an artwork, including the ability to link electronic documents such as valuations, purchase receipts, and other relevant information. This comprehensive Artwork collection software also offers the capacity to record a detailed exhibition history, the loan history of each artwork, and track works on consignment.

Artworks List View
Filter and find an artwork, or groups of artworks, based on virtually any filter criteria you can imagine. Once found, transfer the filter to the main Artwork Record form, or export located records to an Excel spreadsheet for analysis. The list view is excellent for quickly spotting data entry errors or inconsistencies which can be quickly corrected right there, in the list view. You can even add new artwork records.

Artwork Provenance
Provenance is arguably the most important aspect relied on when calculating the value of artworks. Documenting the history of artworks can include photographs, exhibition catalogs, newspaper articles, press releases, valuations, and much more. For this reason, the Artwork Collection database lets you link and track electronic files, and webpages with each artwork record. Once linked, files can be opened, copied, emailed, or shared directly from the artwork record.

Artwork Image Zoom View
To view a larger image of an artwork, click the 'Zoom' button to open the artwork image in the Zoom viewer. The Artwork Zoom view provides multiple viewing aspects. If required, you send the original artwork file to an external viewer to enabling editing of the image or other adjustment. The Zoom view also lets you print a summary or artwork overview report, or send the report to PDF for emailing or otherwise.

Import Your Artwork Data
The latest version of the Artwork collections database now lets you import your artwork collection from an Excel spreadsheet, saving you hours and hours of data entry time.

Artworks Database - Catalogue Form
Use the Artworks Collection software's 'Catalogues' form to create, store, and publish 1000s of different artwork catalogues. To create a new catalogue, simply select the artworks to include from a drop-down list, order the works to your liking. The selected artworks can be from a single artist or several artists. Once satisfied with the catalogue selection and order, print the catalogue or export the catalogue as a PDF ready for emailing. (Note: in the USA, relevant forms and reports use the spelling catalog rather than catalogue.)

Artworks Database - Catalogue Cover Sub Form
The Artworks Collection Catalogues, sub-form stores the text and image information that makes up the completed artwork catalogue. When creating new covers for artwork catalogs, users have the option to select one of the artworks being featured in the catalog or an entirely different image file on the PC, to feature on the catalogue cover. The cover information can be reviewed in the Catalogue Template Designer or by previewing any of the previously stored catalogues.

Artworks Database - Catalogue Cover Template Designer
The Artwork Catalogue Cover template designer allows users to generate any number of unique and creative covers for use on their artwork catalogues. Newly created artwork covers can be saved as templates for later use on other catalogues. The number of catalogue cover designs/templates users can create is limited only by their imagination.

Artworks Database - A Few Covers Created with the Designer
The following are just a few examples of the covers created using the Artwork Database, Catalogue cover designer. The number of different designs you can create is virtually limitless.

Artworks Database - Catalogue Print Options Form
Once you've created your artwork catalogue, you have a variety of options for printing and sharing it. You can print a proof sheet with 6 or 12 images per page. You can also preview the catalogue and choose to print it or send it as a PDF to your friends and clients via email. And don't forget to print out the labels for the artwork in your catalogue

Catalogue Example
The following is an example of the printed Artwork Catalogue available in the Artwork Database software. Note the number of named Artists is limited to five.
NOTE: We offer a software redesign service and can update branding and/or make layout modifications to the Artwork Catalogue format if required.

Artwork Database - Reporting Options
The Artworks Collections Database includes a comprehensive suite of informative reports that can be filtered and sorted enabling you to track and report on all aspects of your art collection. If required, we do offer a redevelopment service and can create/add additional reports that may be required.

Artwork Collection - Artwork Overview Report
The Artwork Overview report is an example of just one of the reports available to users of the Artworks Collection Database.

Artwork Collection - Bulk Emailer
With our Bulk Emailer tool, you have the power to send emails to both your current clients and potential ones. Just a heads up, this tool does require MS Outlook to function. You can also attach catalogues, newsletters, or any other files you want to your emails. Plus, every email sent to clients using the Bulk Emailer is automatically logged in the client's record, giving you the lowdown on your past communications.

Artwork Database - Client Records
In the artworks database, the client record stores all your clients' information, including their previous purchases. You can quickly access all your past email conversations with a client through the 'bulk email' system. Furthermore, the client record allows you to keep track of their interests, providing you with the flexibility to include or exclude them in future bulk email campaigns.