Service Call Management Database - Customer / Main Form
GI Business Database Solutions: The free Service Call Management database sample Main Form. In addition to storing the Customer contact information, the Customer records Form doubles as the Main Menu for the Service Call Management database, providing access to all other database forms, reports and functionality. The Work Order sub-form found on the Customer form provides an immediate review of the customer's previous work order along with the payment status of each.

Service Call Management Database - Work Order Form
The GI Business Database Solutions Service Call Management database Work Order form records details of each Work Order including the issue to be resolved, the make/model of the appliance/system if applicable, any parts required for the repair, and a record of total work hours expended. The overall cost is calculated and shown on the service call work order.

Service Call Management Database - Payments Form
The GI Business Database Solutions Service Call Management database Payments form records the details of all payments received relative to a specific service call work order.

Service Call Management Database - Invoice Receipt Form
The Service Call Management database sample produces invoices/receipts as required. A Service Call invoice/receipt can be emailed directly from the database.

Service Call Management Database - Part Records Form
The Service Call Management sample database stores an easy to manage and update list of parts that may be required for repairs. The database then makes those parts selectable from a drop-down list where required.

Service Call Management Database - Management Reports
The GI Business Database Solutions Service Call Management sample database includes a number of reports to help you manage work orders, task employees, review income and track outstanding payments and other information.