Frequently Asked Question

Our frequently asked questions listings index


Welcome to our FAQ section where we provide information answers to many of the common questions we receive regarding the installation and use of the Microsoft Access Databases and the free database examples that we make available on our website.

If you have an installation or similar question about MS Access Database that you think should be included here please let us know via our Contact Us page.

Access Database Installed format (32 bit or 64 Bit)

Since version 2010, Microsoft has produced the Access Database in both a 32 Bit and a 64 bit format. Many of the free sample databases downloaded from our website are developed for the specific MS Access Database bit format installed on your PC. […] Show full answer

Is the Access Database program required to run Access databases?

The simple answer is YES! Microsoft Access Database is required to run an Access database. The good news is that if you don’t already have Microsoft Access Database installed on your computer Microsoft provide a FREE runtime version of Microsoft […] Show full answer

Emailing Option Available in an Access Database

Usually, Microsoft Outlook is installed and used on the computers where our software is installed. If you have Outlook installed, we strongly recommend using Outlook as your email client as it provides many advantages over other options. However, If you do not use MS Outlook and would prefer to send emails […] Show full answer

Sending Email from Database using Gmail

Before you can send an email through your Gmail account from our databases, or indeed any software, there are a few steps you need to take […] Show full answer

Upgrade your Artwork Collection Data Table version?

Upgrading and adding new functionality to the Artworks Database often required changes in both the user interface and the database tables. As a result, the Artwork Collection Database User Interface then […] Show full answer

Convert Assets Database Version 3.00 Data to Version 4.00 Format

User's of the GI Assets Database version 3.01 who want to upgrade to version 4.00, whilst retaining their existing data, will need to use the conversion tool to update their existing version 3.00 database tables to version 4.00 format […] Tell me more

How do I install the Downloaded Access Database Samples

At times when installing GI Business Database solution software, you may be prompted Windows Smartscreen Security Panel (see image below) or a similar Windows Security Popup Panel/Message. All of our software is digitally signed with our security certificate so […] Show full answer

Linking Tables from another Access Database

Separating Access database into a front-end database and back-end database is common in multi user business database applications The Access Database source linking tools is invaluable rescourse when it comes to linking tables from external Access Databases, and managing those connections […] Show full answer

Windows security warning displayed when installing Database Samples?

Any Access databases that you download from our website will be contained in a compressed zip folder. You MUST remove the database files from the zip container before operating the database, otherwise, the database will not function correctly. […] Show full answer

How do I hide the Access Database Objects Pane

The Access Database Objects Pane lets users access database access the design objects that makeup an Access Database, including all Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Marcos and VBA Code modules. A user can simply right click on any object in the list and delete it or open the object and make changes to it. Show full article

How do I prevent user changing VBA code in an Access Database

To ensure that users cannot access or change the VBA code in Microsoft Visual Basic Applications (including Microsoft Access Database) you have two options available for doing so: Compile your database as an mde or accde or add VBA password protection […] Show full answer

Why Convert an Access Database to ACCDE format

When first created an Access database is in an open ACCDB file format. The ACCDB file format allows users to create and modify existing database objects, such as forms, reports and VBA code. If you want prevent database users viewing or modifying VBA code of form designs […]Show full answer

Setting up Trusted Location in Microsoft Access Database

For security reasons, when you start a Microsoft Access Database which was created on a computer other than your own (a foreign database), Access Database prevents macros and Visual Basic (VB) code from running until you have enabled the […] Show full answer

How to Delete Data from Our Access Database Samples

Removing Data from Our Sample Databases - Most Access Database Samples you download from our website will contain some sample data to help you to understand how the information is displayed in the database and how it relates to each other. Once you have practiced with some dummy data […] Tell me more

How to Compact & Repair Access Database Samples

As an Access Database processes the information you store, the database can retain some of the space vacated by records you delete, or which might have been moved during internal housekeeping. The retention of empty spaces is referred to […] Tell me more

Microsoft Ending support for Office 2013

Microsoft plan to end support for Microsoft Office 2013, including Microsoft Access, on April 11th 2023. Form that date Microsoft will no longer provide support to Office 2013 license owners, including technical support […] Tell me more

Alternate software download sites - Our Download Parnters

You will find many of our software titles, along with other great software, available for download from our advertising partners and […] Show full answer